Health and Care Turkey offers all inclusive Hair Transplant Packages in Turkey. The packages are include your trip, all transfers, translation and treatment.

Hair transplantat, plastic surgery and dental treatments services in Turkey with all inclusive packages. Health and Care Turkey is a medical tourism company which is a brand that you can trust. It aims to ensure that the patient benefits from the highest possible quality of service for hair transplantation in Turkey.

Hair Transplantation; It is the transplantation of healthy hair taken from the area without hair loss to areas with hair loss. Although hair transplant is the most common cosmetic surgery for men, hair loss is not unique to men. Many women also experience hair loss or thinning hair.

When do we recommend Hair Transplant?

There should be a sufficient number of grafts in the donor area.

Both the roots taken from there should be able to cover the bald spots on the scalp and the roots remaining in the donor should be able to preserve the natural appearance of that area.

Candidates whose hair density is not good or balding area is very large, may not be suitable for hair transplantation.

The suitability for hair transplantation depends on the richness of the donor area and how bald the candidate is in the recipient area.

What are hair transplant techniques?

There are FUT, Classic FUE, Sapphire FUE and DHI techniques for hair transplantation.

In the FUT (Folikuler Unit Transplantation) technique, a strip of skin is cut from the donor area and the hair follicles required for transplantation are taken from this strip. It is a very old technique and its traces remain.

DHI ( Direct Hair Transplantation) is a more advanced technique. A special medical device called the Choi Implanter Pen is used. Follicles are placed one by one on the Choi Implanter Pen and placed on the balding areas of the scalp. In this way, the incision and sowing are effectively performed at the same time. DHI method is more labor-intensive. So it requires more precision.

In FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) Hair Transplantation technique, individual hair follicles are taken from the donor area. These roots are planted unit by unit in balding areas. The FUE method leaves very few traces and is the most preferred method.

If sapphire blades are used instead of traditional blades as in the normal FUE method, we call it the Sapphire FUE method. Sapphire FUE method is preferred to leave minimal scars and provide faster recovery time. There are approximately 2-3 hair strands in the grafts. In an average session, 4,000 – 6,000 grafts, ie 8,000 – 12,000 hair follicles are obtained.

Health and Care Turkey provides hair transplantation service with DHI and Sapphire FUE methods.

If a more intensive planting area is needed, we recommend the sapphire FUE method. The DHI method is especially suitable for unshaven transplantation and hair tightening.

First of all, a general health examination is done. If there is a chronic disease, drug allergy or previous surgeries should be investigated.

Afterwards, hair analysis is done. The patient’s suitability for hair transplantation is determined.

The cause of hair loss is tried to be found. For this, blood tests are done.

The donor area is examined; the number of follicles is checked.

The operation varies between 6-8 hours on average, depending on the width of the area.

If Sapphire FUE method is to be applied;

The donor area is prepared and local anesthesia is applied.

The grafts are taken from the donor area one by one with the help of a micro motor device, while protecting the hair follicles.

The hair follicles (grafts) taken are separated according to the number of roots and kept in a special solution.

Channels are opened with an angle of 40-45 degrees to obtain a natural appearance in which the grafts will be placed in the recipient area where the transplantation will be made.

The grafts in the solution are placed one by one into the opened channels.

If DHI method is to be applied;

The recipient area is prepared and local anesthesia is applied.

Hair follicles taken from the nape are applied directly to the recipient area with special tip choi implanter pen (hair transplant pens). At the same time, both the channel is opened and the planting is done.

In America and Europe, Hair Transplant is relatively costly. The same treatment (or better) is available in Turkey at highly discounted prices. Patients from Europe and the USA take advantage of the exchange rate. Because it is approximately equal to 1 GBP=22 TL, 1 Euro=18 TL and 1 USD=18 TL. You will pay less for the same service because of at least; overall operating costs, including laboratory costs and surgeon fees, are lower than in places like Europe or the USA. So Hair Transplant cost in Turkey is cheap.

With us you can save up to 70-80% on your Hair Transplant cost in Turkey. We offer the highest quality Hair Transplant in Turkey. You’ll save hundreds of dollars/euro on your Hair Transplant cost in Turkey, including your travel and accommodation. Also many operations are performed in here. That’s why there are so many experienced specialists.

Turkey is one of the most preferred countries in the world within the scope of health tourism for Hair Transplant and all other treatments. There are many reasons for this:

  • Successful surgeon
  • Successful operations in health tourism
  • All-inclusive Hair Transplant packages
  • Hair Transplant at affordable prices
  • Following the latest technologies in Hair Transplant
  • Patient satisfaction

When you decide to have hair transplantation, contact with us and send us your photos.

We will create a personalized treatment plan for you and you’ll get a free a quote from us which is all inclusive with all details.

For the hair transplantation you have to be stay 3 days in Turkey.

Health and Care Turkey provides flight tickets, welcome and all transfers, hotel accommodation, pre- and post-treatment consultancy, if desired city tours-activity organization services, to you

You don’t need to think about the details. hct will be with you every step of the way to guide you.

If you have a problem or a question you can always contact us.

What does Health and Care Turkey do for you?

Health and Care Turkey provides all inclusive packages which are include flight tickets (optional), welcome and all transfers between airport – hotel – clinic, accommodation, consultancy of before and after treatment, city tours – activities services (optional) to patients and their companions who prefer Turkey for health tourism.

Health and Care Turkey will create a personalized treatment plan before you come to Turkey. So as to you will know all the details about your all inclusive package including the cost of treatment. In the meantime you can pay with credit cards or cash.

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