Health and Care Turkey offers all inclusive All on 4 Dental Implant Packages in Turkey. The packages are include your trip, all transfers, translation and treatment.
Health and Care Turkey provides All on 4 dental implants and all dental treatments, plastic surgery and hair transplantation services in Turkey with all inclusive packages. It is a medical tourism company which is a brand that you can trust. Health and Care Turkey aims to ensure that the patient benefits from the highest possible quality of service for dental treatments in Turkey.
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All on 4 is a dental treatment procedure. It allows the support of fixed prostheses in the upper or lower jaw with only four implants. 2 implants are put in the front. 2 more implants are put in the back. The specialist places prosthetic teeth on these implants.
All on 4 is a “graftless” procedure. We surgically place implants in areas with the highest bone density. All-on-4 dental implants are a complete set of implants. The experts designed them to replace your set of upper or lower teeth. Also All-on-4 implants cost less than replacing each tooth individually.
Which brand of All on 4 implants do we apply?
We only use Astra Tech Dental Implant for All on 4 Dental Implant.
The quality of the material is no different than what you can get with more expensive processes in the US and Europe.

When we recommend All on 4?
All on 4 treatment is recommended for:
- dental dysfunction
- physical damage to the teeth
- severe cavities
- bone loss due to age or disease
- dental damage caused by gum cavities
The All on 4 implant technique is an excellent option for people of all ages who have lost all their teeth.
What does Health and Care Turkey do for you?
Health and Care Turkey provides all inclusive packages which are include flight tickets (optional), welcome and all transfers between airport – hotel – clinic, accommodation, consultancy of before and after treatment, city tours – activities services (optional) to patients and their companions who prefer Turkey for health tourism.
Health and Care Turkey will create a personalized treatment plan before you come to Turkey. So as to you will know all the details about your all inclusive package including the cost of treatment. In the meantime you can pay with credit cards or cash.
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